Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Creating a Professional Development Plan

When I was in 7th grade, my volleyball teacher made us create a PDP, although I'm sure that's not what she referred to it as.  It was more like a journal when I was 13.  She gave us a sheet, with template for us to write a goal to accomplish during the season and how we were going to get there.  she gave us each our own folder to write in and return to her as often as we wished reflecting on the goal......or just whatever was on our mind at that time. :)

A professional development plan can help add structure and organization to an individual's future.  It is an essential tool that can help a student, like myself, organize goals, and future plans, both short and long term. Overall, it should help a person excel, meet deadlines, and is ever-changing.

To start, I've created my own.

Professional Development Plan
Goal(s):  Get a 3.6+ semester GPA and broaden my knowledge of the APSC community

Set aside time to study every night
Create a planner and calendar of important dates
Stay on top of due dates
Go to Library!

Four classes
This class, I feel is going to be a great core class helping me organize and plan for my future.  
Check into blog weekly.
Record all homework /deadlines on calender

Stay caught up on text reading
Visit chem. tutor
Meet with professor

Children’s Literature
Stay on readings
Buy children’s’ books
Final Paper

Psych Research-
Learn to analyze statistical data, graphs, and research papers in general!
Stay caught up on assignments
Meet with teacher’s assistant
Psych research studies

Relevance: I've chosen this plan because its a short term goal that I have decided to dedicate my next 4month to. Each class requires different objectives. 

Timeline- Going to start by writing important dates and times on calender.  I will include assignment dates and notes for each class, what time APSC speakers are, psych research times, certain periods to work on important assignments. Attend career fair

Writing this personal development plan has proved to be pretty tough, I will need to come back to revise it more often than I originally thought, only because I’m not as organized as I should be! I have a lot of details that need to be added, but these only prove to be important because they are essential in accomplishing my goal of a 3.6+ GPA.

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